Bulletin 69 (Fall 2021 & Spring 2022)
Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen: Asking the Impossible: The Hunger for the Unknowable in Twentieth-Century American and European ThoughtEmma Thomas: “Contact” Embodied: German Colonialism, New Guinean Women, and the Everyday Exploitation of a Labor Force, 1884-1914Richard Calis: Cross-Cultural Contact in Sixteenth-Century Tübingen: Martin Crusius (1526-1607) and his Greek GuestsCathy S. Gelbin: The Golem: From Enlightenment Monster to Artificial IntelligenceMae M. Ngai: The Chinese Question: The Gold Rushes and Global Politics, 1849-1910Andreas Greiner: Aviation History and Global History: Towards a Research Agenda for the Interwar PeriodIn Global Transit: A New GHI Research Focus - Interview with Simone Lässig
Conference Reports
Migration and Racism in the United States and Germany in the Twentieth CenturyMobilities, Exclusion, and Migrants’ Agency in the Pacific Realm in a Transregional and Diachronic Perspective26th Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar in German History: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century German History Fifth Annual Bucerius Young Scholars Forum: Histories of Migration: Transatlantic and Global PerspectivesFirst Annual International Seminar in Historical Refugee StudiesContested Meanings of Migration Facilitation: Emigration Agents, Coyotes, Rescuers, and Human Traffickers
GHI News