Bulletin 70 (Fall 2022)

Forum: Rethinking Cross-Border Connections



Forum: Rethinking Cross-Border Connections

Edited by Andreas Greiner, Carolin Liebisch-Gümüş, Mario Peters, and Roland Wenzlhuemer

Andreas Greiner, Carolin Liebisch-Gümüş, Mario Peters: Rethinking Cross-Border Connections: An IntroductionAndreas Guidi: The “Dope Ring Diplomat”: Privileged Mobility, International Intelligence, and the True Crime Press in the Interwar PeriodLars Kury: Flowing Connections in the Strait of Malacca: Nature, Trade and the Rise of a Global Transit Corridor, c. 1850–1900Charlotte Marlene Hoes: Live Cargo, Dead Ends: The German Wildlife Trade in Global PerspectiveRoland Wenzlhuemer: Rethinking Cross-Border Connections: A Personal Account

Conference Reports

Antisemitism and Sexualities ReconsideredLaboratories of the Social: Utopian Settlements and Reform Movements in the Long Nineteenth CenturyKnowledge on the Move: Information Networks During and After the HolocaustNot Mere Objects: Uncovering Children’s Subjectivities in MigrationDatafication in the Historical Humanities: Reconsidering Traditional Understandings of Sources and Data27th Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar in German History: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century German HistoryThe Pursuit of Science in Conservative Religious Settings since 1945Roads to Exclusion: Socio-Spatial Dynamics of Mobility Infrastructures since 1800

GHI News

35+5 – GHI Washington and Its Pacific Office Celebrate Anniversaries - German Minister of Education and Research Visits GHI Washington - Time for a Conclusion: GHI director Simone Lässig reflects on the “Wissen entgrenzen” initiative of the Max Weber Foundation - GHI Launches New Edition of Award-Winning Website German History in Documents and Images (GHDI) - 2022 Fritz Stern Dissertation Prize - GHI Publications - Staff Changes - GHI Fellowships and Internships: Call for Applications - GHI Fellowship Recipients for 2022 -Research Seminar and Colloquium, Spring 2022 - Digital Cultural Heritage DC (Virtual) Meetup #DCHDC, 2022 - GHI Calendar of Events 2022/23 - GHI Library