Hartmut Berghoff & Richard Wetzell, eds.

German Historical Institute at 25

Bulletin Supplement 8 (2012)


The German Historical Institute (GHI) in Washington has come of age. From modest beginnings in 1987, the institute has established itself as a leading center for advanced study in history. Our work is regularly evaluated and must prove itself on the academic marketplace year after year. And over the years, we have earned much recognition and praise for the innovative research the GHI supports. Leading universities and foundations on both sides of the Atlantic are our partners. We receive more proposals for cooperation then we can possibly accept. Our fellows publish in the best peer-reviewed journals, and they receive job off ers from top universities and research institutions, sometimes sooner than we would like. We cooperate with leading scholarly publishers, and our publications have won many prestigious awards. 

In the following pages, we present an overview of the GHI’s activities over the past 25 years along with a closer look at the research projects now underway at the GHI. Historians do better in interpreting the past than in off ering forecasts about the future. But looking ahead, one thing seems certain. The names and the topics of those associated with the institute will change, just as they have over the last quarter century. The odds are good that the GHI will maintain the high scholarly standards it has set, although doing so will require a continuation of the favorable circumstances the institute has enjoyed thus far. 


Hartmut Berghoff

The German Historical Institute in Washington, 1987-2012: A Short History
Hartmut Berghoff and Richard F. Wetzell

Research at the GHI

Stationed in the Borderlands: African American Troops and Double Consciousness, 1940-1953
Sarah Barksdale

The History of Consumption in Nazi Germany
Hartmut Berghoff

Modernity Calling: Interpersonal Communication and the Telephone in Germany and the United States, 1880-1990
Clelia Caruso

G.I. Rap: How the U.S. Military and Music Entrepreneurs Brought Hip Hop to 1980s West Germany
Joshua Clark Davis

Young Patriots Abroad: A Global History of the Boy Scouts of America, 1910-1960
Mischa Honeck

Rumors of Revolt: Uncertain Knowledge of Slave Insurrections in the Antebellum South
Sebastian Jobs

Dealing with the American City on Transnational Grounds: German-Speaking European Architects and Urban Planners in the United States, 1930-1970
Andreas Joch

European Imports? European Immigrants and the Transformation of American Consumer Culture from the 1920s to the 1960s
Jan Logemann

"Peace, Friendship, Solidarity"? East Germany and Angela Davis, 1965-1989
Sophie Lorenz

Managing Political Risk: German and U.S. Companies in India, 1880-1970
Christina Lubinski

The Corporate Communications of German Companies in the United States, 1945-1980
Corinna Ludwig

Soybeans in Global Perspective
Ines Prodöhl

Traveling Between Worlds: Gender, Exile, and the Framing of Applied Social Science Careers in Europe and the United States, 1940-1980
Barbara Reiterer

Lives in Limbo: Statelessness and World Citizenship after Two World Wars
Miriam Rürup

Transatlantic Tourism: American Visitors to Europe in the Long Twentieth Century
Frank Schipper

The Spreckelses: American History as Family History
Uwe Spiekermann

From Civil Rights to Children's Rights: Marian Wright Edelman, the Children's Defense Fund, and the Institutionalization of the Civil Rights Movement
Britta Waldschidt-Nelson

The Politics of Punishment: Penal Reform in Modern Germany, 1870-1970
Richard F. Wetzell

Immigrant Entrepreneurship: German American Business Biographies, 1720 to the Present
Transatlantic Perspectives: Europe in the Eyes of European Immigrants to the United States, 1930-1980

African Americans and Germany/ The Civil Rights Struggle, African American GIs, and Germany
The Nuclear Crisis: Cold War Cultures and the Politics of Peace and Security, 1975-1990

Competing Modernities

The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, 1945-1990

Support for Research and Graduate Student Programs

Publications and Public Outreach

GHI Publications and Book Series

German History in Documents and Images

Public Programs

The GHI Team


Taking the Measure of the GHI

For More Information