Bulletin 74 (Fall 2024)
Forum: European and Global Perspectives on Social Democracy and State Violence
Forum: European and Global Perspectives on Social Democracy and State Violence
Edited by James Retallack, Simone Lässig, and Swen Steinberg
James Retallack, Simone Lässig, and Swen Steinberg: Introduction: Class, Democracy, and ViolenceMona Rudolph: Different Worlds of Work? Labor Practices along the Global Commodity Chain of Diamonds from Colonial Namibia, 1908–1913Christine G. Krüger: Joining the Histories of Labor and Security: Class Formation, Negative Integration, and State Security in Britain and GermanyAmerigo Caruso: Patterns of (Extra)Ordinary Repression: The “Political” State of Siege in France, Italy, Germany, and their Colonial Empires, c. 1790–1900Andrew G. Bonnell: German Social Democrats in July 1914: The Antiwar Protests ReconsideredJens-Uwe Guettel: “To be rowdy and make a fuss”: Urban Protest and Street Violence in Germany, 1905–1923
Conference Reports
Migrants, Environmental Knowledge, and Consumer SocietySixth West Coast Germanists’ Workshop: Globalizing German History in Research and TeachingMusic, Knowledge, and Global MigrationArchives in / of Transit: Historical Perspectives from the 1930s to the Present29th Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar in German History: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century German History