GHI Director Simone Lässig Interviewed about Digitization and Digital Distribution of Historical Sources

October 27, 2017

Simone Lässig, director of the GHI, recently gave an interview to the German radio station Deutschlandfunk in which she discussed the digitization and digital distribution of historical sources. Among the points she stressed was that as technology moves on, historians must adapt to it and face the challenges of the digital age. For historians, this opens up a new perspective when it comes to storing, examining and representing historical data. However, it is not just the historical field that is being transformed by this new technology; moves towards digitization allow for wider interdisciplinary approaches that are not limited to the field of humanities, but can also include among others geographers, sociologists and information scientists. As she explains in the interview, the goal is to draw upon the strength of each field to further extend the sphere of digitization and to establish long-term connections between historical institutions, universities and researchers.

The GHI, in cooperation with universities and academic institutions in Germany and North America, has made it its mission to drive forward the development of new methods and to increase the field of knowledge opened up by these new technologies.

For the full interview, please see (in german).