Universities in Medieval Societies
Sep 18, 1997 - Sep 20, 1997
Conference at the GHI | Conveners: William J. Courtenay, University of Wisconsin at Madison; Jürgen Miethke, University of Heidelberg
Participants: John W. Baldwin, Johns Hopkins University; Uta-Renate Blumenthal, Catholic University of America; Detlef Junker, GHI; Martin Kintzinger, Free University of Berlin; Peter Moraw, Unviersity of Gießen; Darleen Pryds, Virginia Polytechnic Institute; Frank Rexroth, Humboldt University of Berlin; Rainer C. Schwinges, University of Bern; Michael H. Shank, University of Wisconsin at Madison; Thomas Sullivan; Katherine H. Tachau, University of Iowa; John Van Engen, University of Notre Dame; Helmut G. Walther, University of Jena; Klaus Wriedt, University of Osnabrück.
Conference Report
[Bulletin 21, Fall 1997, pp. 22-25]