Two Americans Confront Germany, 1918-1941: Franklin D. Roosevelt and Henry R. Luce
Apr 24, 1996
Lecture at the GHI | Speaker: Robert E. Herzstein, University of South Carolina | Lecture Series: Turning Points in Twentieth-Century German-American History
Spring Lecture Series 1996
Turning Points in Twentieth-Century German-American History
World War I, German-Americans, and the Perils of Pluralism
March 21, 1996
Kathleen Neils Conzen (University of Chicago)
Americanism and Anti-Americanism in the Weimar Republic
April 17, 1996
Mary Nolan (New York University)
Two Americans Confront Germany, 1918-1941: Franklin D. Roosevelt and Henry R. Luce
April 24, 1996
Robert E. Herzstein (University of South Carolina)
"Damage Control": An Ambivalent German-American Disclosure about the Holocaust
May 09, 1996
Sybil Milton (U.S. Holocaust Research Institute, Washington D.C.)
A Tale of Two Crises: Berlin and the United States during the Cold War
May 30, 1996
Thomas A. Schwartz (Vanderbilt University)
Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: Issues in Writing Contemporary History
June 12, 1996
Philip Zelikow (Harvard University)