Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar: Germany in the Age of Total War, 1914-1945

Apr 25, 2001 - Apr 28, 2001

Conference at the GHI | Conveners: Roger Chickering (Georgetown University), Andreas W. Daum (GHI), Richard Wetzell (GHI)

Participants: Gideon T. Botsch, Free University of Berlin; Jana Bruns, Stanford University; Chad Bryant, University of California at Berkeley; Gregory A. Caplan, Emory University; Jason Crouthamel, Indiana University; Harald Haury, University of Freiburg; Peter Hoeres, University of Münster; Rebecca Hoßbach, University of Rostock; Holger Impekoven, University of Bonn; Sandra Maß, European University Institute, Florence; Andrea Meissner, Humboldt University of Berlin; Rachel Nussbaum, Cornell University; Thomas Pegelow, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Christoph Rass, Technical University of Aachen; Chad Ross, University of Missouri; Julia Torrie, Harvard University.

Mentors: Doris L. Bergen, University of Notre Dame; Deborah Cohen, American University; Ulrich Herbert, University of Freiburg; Adelheid von Saldern, University of Hannover.

Conference Report

[Bulletin 29, Fall 2001, pp. 92-98]