The World Historical in China's Twentieth Century: Perspectives on Globalization and Globality
Apr 15, 2010
Lecture at the GHI | Speaker: Rebecca E. Karl (New York University) | Series: History of Globalization - Globalization in History
Today, everyone is convinced that globalization is influencing our lives, but it seems difficult to answer the questions when globalization began, how it happened, and how it has changed over time. At least as complex as the phenomenon of globalization itself are the analytical perspectives scholars and researchers have developed to explore it. One can observe globalization processes in the economy, in migration patterns, in cultural trends, and in historiography, to name just a few of them. The lecture series History of Globalization - Globalization in History aims to bring together some of those perspectives in an effort to improve our understanding of the underlying currents and the effects of globalization, and to help us grasp the historical meaning of different phases of globalization over time.
Spring Lecture Series 2010
History of Globalization - Globalization in History
Organized by Uta Balbier (GHI) and Corinna Unger (GHI)
- The World Historical in China's Twentieth Century: Perspectives on Globalization and Globality
April 15, 2010
Speaker: Rebecca E. Karl (New York University)
- Critical Junctures of Globalization: Conceptualization and Examples
May 06, 2010
Speaker: Matthias Middell (University of Leipzig)
- Population, Food, and Health: Global Problems in the Twentieth Century
May 20, 2010
Speaker: Alison Bashford (University of Sydney/Harvard University)
- Multinationals and Globalization: Engines of Growth or Drivers of Inequality?
June 10, 2010
Speaker: Geoffrey G. Jones (Harvard Business School)