The Legacy of National Socialism and the Formation of Political Culture in the Federal Republic of Germany
Apr 02, 1988
Lecture at the GHI | Speaker: M. Rainer Lepsius (University of Heidelberg) | Spring Lecture Series 1988
Spring Lecture Series 1988
Consequences of the Increase in Life Expectancy during the Last Three Centuries
March 23, 1988
Arthur E. Imhof (Free University of Berlin)
Constancy and Change in Gender Relations in Germany, 1880-1930
April 05, 1988
Ute Frevert (University of Bielefeld)
The Legacy of National Socialism and the Formation of Political Culture in the Federal Republic of Germany
April 28, 1988
M. Rainer Lepsius (University of Heidelberg)
Thoughts on Representation in the Old and New World in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
May 11, 1988
Hermann Wellenreuther (University of Göttingen)
The Berlin Blockade - Forty Years Later
June 15, 1988
Hermann-Josef Rupieper (University of Marburg)