The Genesis of Nazi Policy: Structure and Decision-Making Process: New Research on the National Socialist System of Rule
Apr 09, 1998 - Apr 12, 1998
Conference in Gainesville, Florida | Conveners: Geoffrey Giles, University of Florida; Eberhard Jäckel, University of Stuttgart
Participants: Jay Baird, Miami University of Ohio; Doris Bergen, University of Notre Dame; Ruth Bettina Birn, Canadian Department of Justice; Magnus Brechtken, University of Munich; Christopher Browning, Pacific Lutheran University; David Colburn, University of Florida; Henry Friedlander, Brooklyn College of CUNY; Philipp Gassert, GHI; Robert Gellately, Huron College Ontario; Christian Gerlach, Technical University of Berlin; Peter Hayes, Northwestern University; Patricia Heberer, U.S. Holocaust Museum; Ulrich Herbert, University of Freiburg; Robert Hon, University of Florida; Detlef Junker, GHI; Stefan Kley, University of Stuttgart; Peter Longerich, University of London; Daniel Mattern, GHI; Bruce McCord, University of Florida; Bruce Pauley, University of Central Florida; Jonathan Petropoulos, Loyola College of Maryland; Dieter Pohl, Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Berlin; Hans Safrian, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum; Thomas Sandkühler, University of Bielefeld; Dieter Schneider, GHI; Harold Stahmer, University of Florida; Alan E. Steinweis, University of Nebraska at Lincoln; Nathan Stoltzfus, Florida State University; Shane Stufflet, University of Florida; Gerhard L. Weinberg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Walter Weyrauch, University of Florida; Andreas Wirsching, University of Tübingen.
Conference Report
[Bulletin 22, Spring 1998, pp. 25-32]