Summer Seminar in Paleography and Archival Studies 2005
May 29, 2005 - Jun 11, 2005
Seminar in Germany | Convener: Astrid M. Eckert (GHI)
Participants and their Projects: Robin Barry (Clark University), "German Opposition to Genocide: The Herero 1904-1907"; Peter Engelke (Georgetown University), "Humanizing the City? The Spatial Politics of Downtown Central Europe, 1960-1975"; Chad Fulwider (Emory University), "The Kaiser's Most Loyal Subjects? The German View of America and German-Americans during World War I"; Erin Hochman (University of Toronto), "For Volk, Heimat, Vaterland, and Republik? (Re)Constructions and Contestations of Community in Vienna and Berlin, 1918-1929"; Karen Hung (Institute of Fine Arts, NYU), "The Schnitzaltar as Gesamtkunstwerk"; Jourden T. Moger (University of California, Santa Barbara), "Wolfgang Koenigstein and the Reformation in Frankfurt am Main, 1520-1548"; Emily Pugh (Graduate Center of CUNY), "The Berlin Wall and the Urban Space of East and West Berlin, 1961-1989"; Juergen Schaupp (University of Wisconsin, Madison), "Emil F. Ruedebusch: A Progressive German-American in the Age of Anarchy, Free Love, and Comstock"; Alice Weinreb (University of Michigan), "Cold War, Hot Bodies: Body Discourse between East and West Germany"; James Wrzosek (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), "The People's Healers and Hitler's Soldiers: The German Medical Profession and the Construction of the Racial State, 1939-1945"; Xiao Wu (Princeton University), "The German Empire in East Asia: Weltpolitik in Northeast China".