Philanthropy in History: German and American Perspectives
Mar 30, 2006 - Apr 02, 2006
Conference at the GHI in cooperation with the Stiiftung Deutsch-Amerikanische Wissenschaftsbeziehungen im Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft | Conveners: Simone Lässig (GHI), Gabriele Lingelbach (Universität Trier), Thomas Adam (University of Texas, Arlington, TX)
THOMAS ADAM (University of Texas at Arlington)
The Transatlantic Transfer of Models for Social Housing
CHRISTINE BACH (ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius)
Philanthropic Giving and Promotion in Hamburg During the Fifties
CHRISTOF BIGGELEBEN (Humboldt University Berlin)
“A Mercantile Duty of Honor”:
Philanthropy in Berlin’s Merchant Community, 1870-1920
TOBIAS BRINKMANN (University of Southampton)
Transnational Affiliations: Jewish Philanthropic Organizations in Germany and the United States and the Jewish Mass Migration from Eastern Europe, 1870-1925
HAMILTON CRAVENS (Iowa State University)
Private Philanthropy and Public Policy Discourses in the United States: 1870s to the 1970s
LARRY FROHMANN (State University of New York, Stony Brook)
Private Welfare, Public Purpose: The Changing Parameters of Voluntary Welfare in Germany, 1840-1919
BRENDAN GOFF (University of Michigan)
“We’re Not in Kansas Anymore….”:
Philanthropy and the “perfect democracy” of Rotary International
PETER DOBKIN HALL (Harvard University/Yale University)
Philanthropy, the Welfare State, and the Transformation of
American Public and Private Institutions, 1945-2000
DAVID C. HAMMACK (Case Western Reserve University Cleveland)
American Philanthropy in Light of the History of the Nonprofit Sector
Market-Driven Philanthropy: The West German Case, 1949-1989
KEVIN V. MULCAHY (Louisiana State University)
A Prolegomenon for Any Future Cultural Policy
STEPHEN PIELHOFF (University of Gießen)
Mediators Between Civil Society and Municipal Politics in Imperial Germany
MICHAEL SCHÄFER (University of Chemnitz)
The Decline of Bourgeois Philanthropy: Leipzig and Edinburgh, 1900-1925
MICHAEL WERNER (ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius)
Hamburg Philanthropists and Their Philanthropies in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
GREGORY WITKOWSKI (Ball State University)
Bearing Gifts: Communist East German Philanthropy and Charity, 1959-89