Parsing Prussian Personality: Christian Thomasius and the Psychogram
Oct 20, 2006
Fourth Edmund Spevack Memorial Lecture at Adams House, Harvard University | Speaker: Mack Walker (Johns Hopkins University), Conveners: David Blackbourn (Harvard University), Christof Mauch (GHI) Adams House, Harvard University
This Memorial Lecture honors the memory of the historian Edmund Spe-vack, who was closely connected to both Harvard University, where hewas an undergraduate and later taught, and to the GHI, where he was aResearch Fellow before his untimely passing. After introductory remarksby Sean Palfrey (Master of Adams House), Witold Potempa (EdmundSpevack Memorial Trust) and Richard F. Wetzell (GHI), the Fourth Ed-mund Spevack Memorial Lecture was delivered by Edmund’s doctoraladviser, Mack Walker of Johns Hopkins University.