Paintings and Prints Reconsidered: On Historical Representation in Early Nineteenth-Century France
May 18, 2000
Lecture at the GHI | Speaker: Stephen Bann, University of Kent at Canterbury | Lecture Series: Two Different Paths to Modernity: Comparative Aspects of German and American History, 1865-1914
Spring Lecture Series 2000
History and Its Images
Seeing the Evidence: Considering the History of Visual Culture for the Masses
March 07, 2000
Vanessa Schwartz (American University)
Telling Tales on Canvas: Landscape of Frontier Change
April 14, 2000
William Cronon (University of Wisconsin at Madison)
Seeing Is Not Believing: Some Philosophical and Practical Problems of Images for Historians
April 25, 2000
Timothy Burke (Swarthmore College)
Screening the Cultural Other: Images of Jews in German Film
May 03, 2000
Frank Stern (Georgetown University)
Paintings and Prints Reconsidered: On Historical Representation in Early Nineteenth-Century France
May 18, 2000
Stephen Bann (University of Kent at Canterbury)
The Generation of Memory: The Memory Boom at the End of the Twentieth Century
June 01, 2000
Jay Winter (Pembroke College, Cambridge)