3rd Medieval History Seminar
Oct 23, 2003 - Oct 26, 2003
Conference at the GHI | Conveners: Michael Borgolte (Humboldt University of Berlin), Caroline W. Bynum (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton), Johannes Fried (University of Frankfurt), Patrick J. Geary (University of California at Los Angeles), Christoph Strupp (GHI)
Participants: Katherine Clark, Fort Lewis College; Gillian B. Elliott, University of Texas, Austin; Jörg Feuchter, Humboldt University of Berlin; Milena Svec Goetschi, University of Zurich; Ines Hensler, University of Konstanz; Kerr Houston, Maryland College; Gesine Jordan, Saarland University; Jacqueline E. Jung, University of California at Berkeley; Thomas Kortmann, University of Münster; Vera Lind, GHI; Kristin Marek, State University for Design, Karlsruhe; Christof Mauch, GHI; Jörg Peltzer, University of Bamberg; Rosalind J. Reynolds, University of California at Berkeley; John F. Romano, Harvard University; Andrew J. Romig, Brown University; Olaf Schneider, University of Frankfurt; Markus Späth, University of Gießen.
Conference Report
[Bulletin 34, Spring 2004]