German-Speaking Refugee Historians in the United States, 1933-1970
Dec 01, 1988 - Dec 03, 1988
Event at the GHI | Conveners: Hartmut Lehmann, GHI; James J. Sheehan, Stanford University
Participants: Eleanor Alexander, Berkeley, C.A.; Margaret L. Anderson, Swarthmore College; Kenneth D. Barkin, University of California at Riverside; Volker R. Berghahn, Brown University; Rebecca L. Boehling, University of Dayton; Renate Bridenthal, Brooklyn College of CUNY; Catherine Epstein, GHI; Bernd Faulenbach, University of Bochum; Gerald D. Feldman, University of California at Berkeley; Henry Friedlander, Brooklyn College of CUNY; Michael Geyer, University of Chicago; Felix Gilbert, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; Karen J. Greenberg, Bard College; Atina Grossmann, Columbia University; Jürgen Heß, Free University of Amsterdam; Gerhard Hirschfeld, GHI London; Christhard Hoffman, Technical University of Berlin; Georg G. Iggers, SUNY at Buffalo; Konrad H. Jarausch, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Marie Kann, Princeton, N.J.; Marion Kaplan, CUNY; Michael H. Kater, York University; Barry M. Katz, Stanford University; Fritz Kellner, University of Salzburg; Klemens von Klemperer, Smith College; Reinhard Koselleck, University of Bielefeld; Stephan Kuttner, University of California at Berkeley; Robert E. Lerner, Northwestern University; Vernon L. Lidtke, Johns Hopkins University; Peter J. Loewenberg, University of California at Los Angeles; Alfred Low, Marquette University; Donald McCoy, University of Kansas; Frank Mecklenburg, Leo Baeck Institute, New York; Michael Meyer, California State University at Northridge; Franz Michael, George Washington University; Sybil Milton, U.S. Holocaust Research Institute; Wolfgang J. Mommsen, University of Düsseldorf; George L. Mosse, University of Wisconsin at Madison; Jerry Z. Muller, Catholic University of America; Otto P. Pflanze, Bard College; Sibylle Quack, Federal Press and Information Office, Bonn; Hanna Schissler, GHI; Carl E. Schorske, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; Ernst Schulin, University of Freiburg; Winfried Schulze, University of Bochum; Fritz Stern, Columbia University; Hans L. Trefousse, Brooklyn College of CUNY; Peter Walther, Berlin; Gerhard L. Weinberg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Robert Wolfe, U.S. National Archives.
Event Report
[Bulletin 4, Spring 1989, pp. 5-19]