Gendering Modern German History: Rewritings of the Mainstream

Mar 21, 2003

University of Toronto | Conveners: Karen Hagemann, University of Toronto/Technical University of Berlin; Christine von Oertzen, GHI

Participants: Ann Taylor Allen, University of Louisville; Maria B. Baader, University of Toronto; Doris Bergen, University of Notre Dame; Kathleen Canning, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Jane Caplan, Bryn Mawr College; Roger Chickering, Georgetown University; Belinda Davis, Rutgers University; Margit Eichler, University of Toronto; Geoff Eley, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Atina Grossmann, The Cooper Union; Young-Sun Hong, SUNY, Stony Brook; Marion Kaplan, New York University; Wiebke Kolbe, University of Bielefeld; Claudia Koonz, Duke University; Thomas Kühne, University of Konstanz; Thomas Lindenberger, Center for Contemporary History, Potsdam; Michael Marrus, University of Toronto; Mary Jo Maynes, University of Minnesota; Robert Moeller, University of California at Irvine; Merith Niehuss, University of the Bundeswehr, Munich; Ronald W. Pruessen, University of Toronto; Jean Quataert, SUNY, Binghamton; Till van Rahden, University of Chicago/University of Cologne; James Retallack, University of Toronto; Carola Sachse, Max Planck Institute for the History of the Sciences; Edith Saurer, University of Vienna; Angelika Schaser, University of Hamburg; Susan Solomon, University of Toronto; Hanna Schissler, University of Hannover; Irmgard Steinisch, York University; Richard F. Wetzell, GHI

Event Report

[Bulletin 34, Spring 2004, pp. 147-152]