From Failure to Failure: The Far Right in Postwar Germany in a Comparative European Context

Mar 07, 2002

Lecture at the GHI | Speaker: Hans-Georg Betz, York University of Toronto | Lecture Series: Challenges to German Democracy, 1949-2001


Spring Lecture Series 2002

Challenges to German Democracy, 1949-2001


From War Criminal to Corporate Citizen: Remaking the Industrialist in a New Germany
February 28, 2002
Jonathan Wiesen (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale)

From Failure to Failure: The Far Right in Postwar Germany in a Comparative European Context
March 07, 2002
Hans-Georg Betz (York University of Toronto)

Migration in the History of the Federal Republic: Flight, Immigration, Transcultural Mobility
March 20, 2002
Christiane Harzig (University of Bremen)

1968 – An International Watershed?
April 04, 2002
Ingrid Gilcher-Holtey (University of Bielefeld)

The German Left since 1945: Innovation, Politics, and Alliances
May 02, 2002
Andrei Markovits (University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)

From Reconstruction to Civil Society: Political Generations in the History of the Federal Republic of Germany
May 23, 2002
Axel Schildt (University of Hamburg)