Exhibiting the Other: Museums of Mankind and the Politics of Cultural Representation
Nov 02, 2000 - Nov 05, 2000
Conference at the Centre Allemand d'Histoire de l'Art (CAHA), Paris, 0 | Conveners: Thomas W. Gaehtgens, CAHA; Cordula A. Grewe, GHI
Participants: David Carrier, Carnegie Mellon University; Raymond Corbey, Leiden University; Michel Colardelle, Musée national des arts et traditions populaires; Raymond Corbey, Leiden University; Sarah F. Delaporte, University of Chicago; Ludger Derenthal, University of Bochum; Nélia S. Dias, University of Lisbon; Gabriele Dürbeck, University of Rostock; Eberhard Fischer, Museum Rietberg, Zurich; Uwe Fleckner, Free University of Berlin; Wendy Grossman, Smithsonian Institution; Curtis M. Hinsley, Northern Arizona University; Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, New York University; Ikem S. Okoye, University of Delaware; H. Glenn Penny, University of Missouri at Kansas City; Alice von Plato, University of Hannover; Krzysztof Pomian, Centre de recherchess historiques; Reimar Schefold, Leiden University; Enid Schildkrout, American Museum of Natural History; James J. Sheehan, Stanford University; Elisabeth Tietmeyer, Museum Europäischer Kulturen; Germain Viatte, Musée du quai Branly; Andrew Zimmerman, George Washington University.
Conference Report
[Bulletin 28, Spring 2001, pp. 120-129]