Bucerius Seminar 2005: American Archives and American History
Sep 05, 2005 - Sep 17, 2005
Seminar in Washington, Chicago, Boston, and Madison | Conveners: Kathleen Conzen (University of Chicago), Andreas Etges (Free University of Berlin), Christof Mauch (GHI) | Co-organized by the GHI, the Department of History of the University of Chicago, and the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Unviersität Berlin; sponsored by the ZEIT Foundation Gerd and Ebelin Bucerius
Participants and their Projects: Thomas Adams (University of Chicago), "The Origins of the 'New' Working Class: Political Economy, Gender and Service Work in Postwar America"; Simon Doing (University of Marburg), "High Technology Transfer between the United States and the German Democratic Republic (1955-1973): Transnational Relations during the Cold War"; Reinhild Kreis (University of Munich), "American Public Diplomacy and German Images of America: German-American Institutes and America-Houses during the 1960s and 1970s as a Period of Changing Values"; Alison Levkovitz (University of Chicago), "The Ways of Providence: The Political Economy of the Future in Nineteenth-Century America"; Gudrun Löhrer (University of Cologne/University of East London), "Epidemics, Pandemics, and Plague: Governmentality and Health Education in Educational Films, 1927-1955"; Sabine Meyer (University of Mainz), "Irish, Germans, Anglo-Americans, and the Temperance Movement in St. Paul, Minnesota, 1848-1919"; Christopher Neumaier (Technical University of Munich), "Rationality Constructs: Understanding the Diametrically Opposed Acceptance of Diesel Automobiles in Germany and the United States"; Marco Bastian Schrof (University of Munich), "'Mental Prairies': Perceptions of Space in the American West, 1860-1885"; Jan Surmann (University of Hamburg), "Holocaust-Remembrance and Restitution: The U.S. History Policy at the End of the Twentieth Century".