America's War and the World: Vietnam in International and Comparative Perspectives

Nov 19, 1998 - Nov 22, 1998

Conference at the GHI | Conveners: Andreas W. Daum, GHI; Lloyd C. Gardner, Rutgers University; Wilfried Mausbach, GHI

Participants: Michael P. Adas, Rutgers University; Saha Amarasingham, Silver Spring, M.D.; Terry H. Anderson, Texas A&M University; Uta Balbier, GHI; Sabine Behrenbeck, University of Cologne; Larry Berman, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington; Mark Bradley, University of Chicago; Col. George M. Brooks III, USMC; William Burr, National Security Archive; Rolf Droge, Alexandria, V.A.; Peter Edwards, Australian War Memorial, Canberra; Lloyd C. Gardner, Rutgers University; Nancy Gardner, Princeton, N.J.; Philipp Gassert, GHI; Jeffrey Grey, Australian Defense Force Academy; Michael K. Heaney, Bernardsville, N.J.; George C. Herring, University of Kentucky; James G. Hershberg, George Washington University; Fabian Hilfrich, Free University of Berlin; Phillip Hughes, Ontario; Michael H. Hunt, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; T. Christopher Jespersen, Clark Atlanta University; Detlef Junker, GHI; Jeffrey Kimball, Miami University; Arne Kislenko, University of Toronto; Judith Klinghoffer, Cherry Hill, N.J.; Ilkka Lakaniemi, University of Helsinki; Fredrik Logevall, University of California at Santa Barbara; Daniel Mattern, GHI; Peter McGregor, University of Western Sydney, Nepean; Shawn McHale, George Washington University; David Morris, GHI; Leopoldo Nuti, Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre, Rome; Jeff Oliver, Albany, N.Y.; Michael Olshausen, Washington, D.C.; John Prados, Takoma Park, M.D.; Ulrike Reichert, Washington, D.C.; Christoph Rode, Munich; Robert Schulzinger, University of Colorado at Boulder; Edmund Spevack, GHI; Ronald Steel, University of Southern California; Eva-Maria Stolberg, University of Bonn; Daniel Teodoru, Jackson Heights, N.Y.; Barbara Tischler, Columbia University; Nancy Bernkopf Tucker, Georgetown University; Lois Vietri, University of Maryland; Edmund F. Wehrle, Wheaton, M.D.; Günter Wernicke, Humboldt University of Berlin; Marilyn B. Young, New York University; Hubert Zimmermann, Auswärtiges Amt.

Conference Report

[Bulletin 24, Spring 1999, pp. 3-11]