11th Annual Symposium of the Friends of the GHI
Nov 15, 2002
Award of the Fritz Stern Prize at the GHI | Prize Winners: Julia Roos (Indiana University) and Rebecca Wittmann (University of Toronto)
The 2002 Fritz Stern Dissertation Prizes were awarded to Julia Roos (Indiana University) and Rebecca Wittmann (University of Toronto). The award ceremony took place at the 11th Annual Symposium of the Friends of the German Historical Institute on November 15, 2002. The Stern Prize Selection Committee was composed of Donna Harsch (Carnegie Mellon Uni- versity), Steve Hochstadt (Bates College), and Eric A. Johnson (Central Michigan University).
Julia Roos (Indiana University), Weimar’s Crisis through the Lens of Gender: The Case of Prostitution (Ph.D. dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, 2001). For more information on Roos's dissertation, see her article in the GHI's Bulletin.
Rebecca Wittmann (University of Toronto), Telling the Story: Survivor Testimony and the Narration of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto, 2001). For more information on Wittmann's dissertation, see her article in the GHI's Bulletin.
Event Report
[Bulletin 32, Spring 2003]