Mario Peters

Research Fellow

German Historical Institute Washington
1607 New Hampshire Ave NW | Washington DC 20009
Phone +1.202.387.3355

Biographical Summary

Mario Peters is a historian of modern Latin America, specializing in the history of Brazil and US-Latin American relations. He completed his Ph.D. in History at Leibniz University Hanover in 2016, where he also worked as a research fellow and taught courses in Latin American and Caribbean history. Before he joined the German Historical Institute in Washington, DC as a research fellow in October 2020, he was a Feodor Lynen postdoctoral fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and visiting lecturer at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He is the author of Apartments for Workers. Social Housing, Segregation, and Stigmatization in Urban Brazil (Baden-Baden: Nomos 2018). His research now centers around the intersection of inter-American history, mobility studies, and environmental history. In his current book project, he examines the history of pan-American mobility infrastructure from the late nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century. Focusing on the United States, Brazil, and the countries of the Southern Cone, he explores the significance of mobility for inter-American relations and the cooperation, conflicts, and exchange of knowledge between international experts working on the Intercontinental Railway, a never completed railroad from Alaska to Argentina, and the Pan-American Highway. He is also working on another project on early automobile tourism and the environment in the Americas.

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Main Areas of Interest

  • History of the Americas (19th and 20th centuries), esp. Brazil and the United States
  • U.S.-Latin American Relations
  • Global and Transnational History
  • Mobility Studies
  • Environmental History
  • History of Knowledge
  • Urban History